Follow the links below to browse sample Javadoc for MJ classes and tools, including the MJ Runtime Library.



The MAPPER2Java Tools and Library consists of the following packages.
com.arsi.mj Utility classes and classes in common use across MJ components.
com.arsi.mj.datatype Classify data by content and by usage in MAPPER application.
com.arsi.mj.datatype.parse Rules for classifying data by content.
com.arsi.mj.entity Marker interfaces that specify a class is a data entity.
com.arsi.mj.fml The fml package contains the base interface, factory class and result classes for creating and executing formulas in an MJ application.
com.arsi.mj.fml.impl The formula impl package contains internal classes that configure and extend Spring Expression Language (SpEL) to support MJ's formula syntax and features.
com.arsi.mj.fml.math The formula math package contains the concrete MJ math formula classes that evaluate expressions similar to those used in @CHG and @ART.
com.arsi.mj.logging Instantiates and wraps a default Jakarta Commons Logger (JCL) for use by any MJ class.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.etlgen Interfaces and classes that facilitate and support generation of MJ's ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) artifacts.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.etlgen.bnfkey Defines a life cycle for building a binary find key object using a field intercept pattern.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.etlgen.config Defines configuration data that must be supplied to ETL tasks. Generates ETL artifacts needed to load an Oracle-based data entity with lines of data from a Mapper report.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.handler Handler that defines entity for data tuples found in a Mapper report.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.hibgen Interfaces and classes that facilitate and support generation of Hibernate ORM (Object Relational Mapping) artifacts employed by MJ.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.hibgen.hbmxjc JAXB classes generated with xjc for Hibernate mapping XML.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.hibgen.model Templates that comprise model for generation of Hibernate artifacts. Classes that facilitate and support generation of Hibernate artifacts for Oracle databases.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.entity.keydef Defines keys for data entity handlers.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.enums Provides for definition of an enumeration used by an entity.
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.outarea Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd Contains... Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.brk Contains... Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.cer Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.chg Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clk Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.cmu Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.ctrlflow Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.ctrlflow.jumps Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.ctrlflow.subexpr Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dc Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dcu Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dec Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.def Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dsp Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dvs Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.function Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.esr Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.gto Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.iff Contains... Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.lda Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.ldv Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.litcbk Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.rel Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.Return Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.rnm Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.rsr Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains... Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.expr Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.rsvd Contains... Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.rsvd.def Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.rsvd.ghi Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.rsvd.pqr Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.rsvd.stu Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.rsvd.vwx Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.rsvd.yz Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.symbol Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.arrdecl Contains... Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vardecl Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.tokens Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.tokens.cmd Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.tokens.content Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.namedrpt Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.column Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.factory Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.lineproc Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.pragma Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.pragma.factory Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.pragma.types Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.tuple Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.tuple.inline Contains...
com.arsi.mj.maprpt.vidxform Contains...
com.arsi.mj.mof Contains... The rw package contains constants, and interfaces and factories for run-time contexts, that provide equivalents to MAPPER reserved words in an MJ application.
com.arsi.mj.text The text package contains a number of formatting and parsing utilities used to work with Mapper variables and constructs.
com.arsi.mj.text.datefmt The datefmt package contains the formatting implementations related to dates.
com.arsi.mj.text.timefmt The timefmt package contains the formatting implementations related to times.
com.arsi.mj.variable The variable package contains the MJ variable classes and interfaces that provide functionality equivalent to MAPPER variables.
com.arsi.mj.variable.aliased The aliased package contains MJ variable classes and interfaces having a dual identity similar to named and numbered MAPPER variables (via an association created with the @USE command).
com.arsi.mj.variable.named The named package contains MJ variable classes and interfaces with an identity similar to named MAPPER variables.
com.arsi.mj.variable.numbered The numbered package contains MJ variable classes and interfaces with an identity similar to numbered MAPPER variables.

Package Contents

The MAPPER2Java Tools and Library packages contain classes and interfaces as outlined below.
Utility classes and classes in common use across MJ components.
  • IGenericEnum - Marker interface for enumerations compatible with GenericEnumUserType.
  • FreemarkerBootstrap - Simple factory for accessing singleton instance of Freemarker Configuration.
  • GenericEnumUserType - Commonly used custom Hibernate type that handles conversion between java.lang.Enum and an underlying database representation of an enumeration constant.
  • MJConstants -
  • MJUtil - Utility methods useful to various components of MJ.
  • NameValuePair - Paired name and value.
  • VariableScope - Enumerates scope of Mapper (and MJ) variables.
  • MJExecuteException - Exception that occurs during execution of a converted Mapper-to-Java (MJ) application, and not during the translation and conversion phase.
  • MJTranslateException - Exception that occurs during translation of Mapper report data, RUN commands, or other Mapper artifacts to Java code or J2EE constructs.
Classify data by content and by usage in MAPPER application.
  • IDataType - Defines a data type supported by MJ.
  • DataTypeBase - Base class for data type classes, defines commonalities.
  • DataTypeHibernateFactory - Simple factory class that converts Hibernate data types to IDataType implementations.
  • IntegerType - Represents an integer data type.
  • LongType - Represents an long integer data type.
  • MaprptDataType - The most fundamental data types supported natively by Mapper (note that date and time are supported as numeric or string types in Mapper and manipulated by special commands and functions).
  • MaprptUsageDataType - Modifies the fundamental data types supported natively by Mapper to describe the actual or implied format and/or usage of the data (as column or variable) in a Mapper RUN.
  • NoopType - Represents an noop (pass-thru string) data type.
Rules for classifying data by content.
  • IDataTypeParseRule - Defines a rule for recognizing and parsing a data type from a string-based input format (e.g., "-123") into the native type (e.g., Integer).
  • DataTypeParseRuleBase - Base class for data type parse rule classes, defines commonalities.
  • IntegerParseRule - Data type rule for parsing an integer from an input string.
  • LongParseRule - Data type rule for parsing a long integer from an input string.
  • NoopParseRule - Data type rule for parsing an integer from an input string.
Marker interfaces that specify a class is a data entity.
The fml package contains the base interface, factory class and result classes for creating and executing formulas in an MJ application.
  • IFormula - Defines a formula, expressed as a variant of the Spring Expression Language (SpEL), that combines MJ variables, functions and literals with standard operators like + (addition) and * (multiplication).
The formula impl package contains internal classes that configure and extend Spring Expression Language (SpEL) to support MJ's formula syntax and features.
  • IFmlBinaryOperation - Defines the integration mechanism for binary mathematical operations within Mapper formulae.
  • BinaryOperatorOverloader - Forces overloading of standard operations for mathematical formulae.
  • FormulaConversionService - Provides formula-specific conversions.
  • FormulaTypeConverter - Allows customization of the expression result handling so that numeric encapsulation does not cause errors.
  • INumericVariableToNumberConverter - Provides conversion between the implemented types.
  • LBigDecimalRBigDecimalMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a BigDecimal and right operand is a BigDecimal.
  • LBigDecimalRDoubleMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a BigDecimal and right operand is a Double.
  • LBigDecimalRLongMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a BigDecimal and right operand is a Long.
  • LDoubleRBigDecimalMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a Double and right operand is a BigDecimal.
  • LDoubleRDoubleMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a Double and right operand is a Double.
  • LDoubleRLongMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a Double and right operand is a Long.
  • LLongRBigDecimalMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a Long and right operand is a BigDecimal.
  • LLongRDoubleMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a Long and right operand is a Double.
  • LLongRLongMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a Long and right operand is a Long.
  • LNumberRVariableMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is a Number and right operand is an MJVariable.
  • LVariableRNumberMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left operand is an MJVariable and right operand is a Number.
  • LVariableRVariableMathOp - Number-valued mathematical formula operation where left and right operands are both instances of MJVariable.
  • MathFunctionEvaluator - Provides a basis for evaluation of non-trivial unary math functions.
  • MathOperation - Defines the supported binary mathematical operations in the formula framework.
  • MJStringToNumberConverter - Provides conversion between the implemented types.
  • NamespaceAccessor - Provides a convenient means to look up a variable namespace based on the converted prefix in a formula.
  • NumberConverter - Provides numeric type management utilities for number and string literal content.
  • NumberFunctionEvaluator - Evaluates the unary math functions for numeric input.
  • NumberToNumericOperandConverter - Provides conversion between the implemented types.
  • NumericOperand - Provides an encapsulation for numeric content; using the encapsulation ensures that type-aware implementations of basic math operations will be used instead of default operator implementations.
  • NumericOperandToBigDecimalConverter - Provides conversion between the implemented types.
  • NumericOperandToDoubleConverter - Provides conversion between the implemented types.
  • NumericOperandToLongConverter - Provides conversion between the implemented types.
  • NumericOperandToNumberConverter - Provides conversion between the implemented types.
  • VariableAccessor - Provides a convenient means to look up a Mapper variable from the appropriate namespace for use in a formula.
  • VariableFunctionEvaluator - Evaluates the unary math functions for Mapper variable input.
  • VariableMathOp - Provides common functionality for math operations with MJVariable operands.
The formula math package contains the concrete MJ math formula classes that evaluate expressions similar to those used in @CHG and @ART.
Instantiates and wraps a default Jakarta Commons Logger (JCL) for use by any MJ class.
  • DebugPrintWriter - A PrintWriter that is enhanced for writing debug output to a file by conditionally writing messages depending on enabling of debug and including a prologue to message lines that can include the date/time, class and method.
  • MJLogger - Simple class that instantiates and wraps a default Jakarta Commons Logger (JCL) for use by any MJ class.
Interfaces and classes that facilitate and support generation of MJ's ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) artifacts.
  • VetoOnPrepareException - Runtime exception thrown to act as veto of org.hibernate.Interceptor.onPrepareStatement once SQL has been obtained.
Defines a life cycle for building a binary find key object using a field intercept pattern.
  • IBinaryFindKeyBuilder - Defines a life cycle for building a binary find key object using a field intercept pattern.
Defines configuration data that must be supplied to ETL tasks.
  • IEtlConfig - Defines configuration data that must be supplied to ETL tasks.
  • DefaultEtlConfig - Default implementation of ETL configuration.
  • HibernateEtlConfig - Implementation of ETL configuration that obtains JDBC connection parameters from Hibernate's configuration XML if not explicitly defined as a property.
Generates ETL artifacts needed to load an Oracle-based data entity with lines of data from a Mapper report.
  • OracleDataEntityEtlGenerator - Generates ETL artifacts (e.g., scripts, data files) needed to load an Oracle-based data entity (i.e., table) with lines of data from a Mapper report.
Handler that defines entity for data tuples found in a Mapper report.
  • AnnotatedColumnDef - Database column definition that is annotated with the associated, source Mapper report column name and type.
  • DataEntityHandler - Handler that defines entity (i.e., table) for data tuples found in a Mapper report.
Interfaces and classes that facilitate and support generation of Hibernate ORM (Object Relational Mapping) artifacts employed by MJ.
JAXB classes generated with xjc for Hibernate mapping XML.
Templates that comprise model for generation of Hibernate artifacts.
  • MJTempKeyMapPrototype - Prototype persistent class for generating CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE and INSERT SQL for temporary table that serves as line-number-to-key map during ETL.
Classes that facilitate and support generation of Hibernate artifacts for Oracle databases.
Defines keys for data entity handlers.
  • BinaryFindKeyDef - Defines a binary-find key for a data entity handler to support access to entity equivalent to that provided by the BFN Mapper command.
  • DataEntityKeyDef - Abstract base class for data entity key definitions.
  • ForeignKeyDef - Defines the foreign key for a data entity handler.
  • PrimaryKeyDef - Defines the natural primary key for a data entity handler.
Provides for definition of an enumeration used by an entity.
  • IMaprptEnumDef - Provides for definition of an enumeration used by an entity.
  • CharacterKeyEnumMapping - Defines String-value enumeration and maps single-character key to the enumerated constants.
  • IntegerKeyEnumMapping - Defines String-value enumeration and maps integer keys to the enumerated constants.
  • IntegerRangeKeyEnumMapping - Defines String-value enumeration and maps ranges of integers (e.g., 100-200) to the enumerated constants.
  • LineTypeEnumMapping - Defines String-value enumeration and maps single-character Mapper line types to the enumerated constants.
  • ReportNumberEnumMapping - Defines String-value enumeration and maps Mapper report numbers to the enumerated constants.
  • ReportRangeEnumMapping - Defines String-value enumeration and maps ranges of Mapper report numbers (e.g., 100-200) to the enumerated constants.
  • StringKeyEnumMapping - Defines String-value enumeration and maps String key to the enumerated constants.
  • CommandLexerState -
  • IgnoreRunLineDecorator - Implements the decorator pattern to process Mapper report lines with a mind to ignore lines in a Mapper RUN control report.
  • MaprptLexer -
  • MaprptReferenceResolver - Resolves references to Mapper reports using previously discovered Mapper artifacts.
  • MaprptTokenReplacer - Replaces alphanumeric tokens in a line of content with token stored in a token replacement context, i.e., handles the substitution of :DEFINEd constants in a text line.
  • TokenReplacementContext - Context that is developed during lexical analysis of Mapper run control report to store DEFINE constants and their replacement strings.
  • IOutputAreaVariableLookup - Provide lookup mechanism for output area parser to determine if what appears to be a variable or array name in an output area line has actually been defined as a variable or array.
  • DefaultOutputAreaVariableLookup - Does lookup of named and numbered variables and array based on variable table created by control-flow-graph (CFG) analysis.
  • OutputAreaParser - Parses a Mapper output area into into Mapper expressions.
  • OutputAreaParserState - Provides a tracking mechanism for the metadata used during output area parsing.
  • IRunCommandParser - Parses a Mapper RUN command (e.g., LDV, SRH) to create a command node in the parse tree for a Mapper report.
  • CerCommandParser - Parses a CER RUN command.
  • CerParseNode - Parse node that represents a CER RUN command, which is very simple since this command takes no arguments.
  • ChgChrParseNode - Parse node that represents a CHG RUN command having syntax that sets a variable to the result of the CHR$ reserved word, e.g., @chg v15 chr$ 12.
  • ChgCommandParser - Parses an CHG RUN command.
  • ChgInputParseNode - Parse node representing a CHG RUN command having syntax that collects input into one or more variables, e.g., @chg $input v1,v2,v3.
  • ChgParseNode - Base class for parse nodes that represents flavors of CHG RUN command.
  • ChgVariableParseNode - Parse node that represents a CHG RUN command having syntax that sets a variable to the result of a simple equation, e.g., @chg v5 v10 + v20.
  • ClkCommandParser - Parses a CLK RUN command.
  • ClkParseNode - Parse node that represents a CLK RUN command, which is very simple since this command takes no arguments.
  • CmuCommandParser - Parses a CMU RUN command.
  • CmuParseNode - Parse node that represents a CMU RUN command, which is very simple since this command takes no arguments.
  • IJumptoCmdInfo - Informs about branches in a Mapper command that transfer control to another label or line in the same RUN, or another report in the same cabinet and drawer, based on literal values or run-time expressions.
  • ILongjmpCmdInfo - Informs about branches in a Mapper command that transfer control to a label or line in a different RUN, or to a report in a different cabinet and drawer, based on literal values or run-time expressions.
  • IMapperSubexprCmdInfo - Informs that Mapper command contains Mapper sub-expressions or sub-commands which must be processed as an embedded control flow graph, without handling jumps (all jumps are called out and handled via IJumptoCmdInfo and ILongjmpCmdInfo).
  • ConcatExprJumpInfo - Conveys information about a branch in a Mapper command that transfers control to another label or line in the same RUN, or another report in the same cabinet and drawer, based on a run-time expression.
  • ConcatExprLongjmpInfo - Conveys information about a branch in a Mapper command that transfers control to a label or line in a different RUN, or to a report in a different cabinet and drawer, based on a run-time expression.
  • JumpInfoBase - Abstract base class that stores common pieces of jump information.
  • JumpInfoSource - Indicates Mapper command that is source of jump-to or long-jump info.
  • LiteralJumpInfo - Conveys information about a branch in a Mapper command that transfers control to another label or line in the same RUN, or another report in the same cabinet and drawer, based on a literal value.
  • LiteralLongjmpInfo - Conveys information about a branch in a Mapper command that transfers control to a label or line in a different RUN, or to a report in a different cabinet and drawer, based on a literal value.
  • MapperSubexprInfo - Stores information about Mapper sub-expressions or sub-commands which must be processed as an embedded control flow graph.
  • DcuCommandParser - Parses a DCU RUN command.
  • DcuParseNode - Parse node that represents a DCU RUN command, which is very simple since this command takes no arguments.
  • IPrecedenceFactory - Defines a simple factory for determine precedence of mathematical, relational and boolean operators.
  • DefaultPrecedenceFactory - Assigns typical precedence (e.g., multiplication has higher precedence than addition) to mathematical, relational and boolean operators supported by Mapper commands such as CAL and ART.
  • EquationOption - Enumerated options for a Mapper equation (essentially the same options used by the CAL command) associated with option letter.
  • EquationOptionConcatExpr - A concatenation expression that wraps the various ways an equation option may be specified.
  • EquationOptions - Bundle of options and option arguments for a Mapper equation (essentially the same options used by the CAL command).
  • EquationOptionsResult - Result returned by EquationTokenizer.parseEquationOptions method, encapsulates equation options and option arguments obtained by parsing a Mapper equation(s) such as that found in CAL.
  • EquationParser - Parses equation tokens into a parse tree of equation nodes.
  • EquationParseResult - Result returned by several methods in EquationParser, encapsulates parse tree(s) of equation nodes and any remaining equation token lists after parsing an aspect of the Mapper equation(s) such as that found in CHG, CAL and DC.
  • EquationTokenizer - Parses a CHG, CAL or DC equation into tokens.
  • TokenizedEquation - Equation tokens obtained by parsing a Mapper equation such as that found in CHG, CAL and DC.
  • TokenizedEquationResult - Result returned by EquationTokenizer.parseEquation method, encapsulates lists of equation tokens obtained by parsing a Mapper equation(s) such as that found in CHG, CAL and DC.
  • TopLevelParseResult - Result returned by EquationParser.parseTopLevelTerm, encapsulates parse tree(s) of equation nodes after parsing top-level constructs of Mapper equation(s).
  • AbsFunction - Defines characteristics of ABS Mapper function (absolute value or magnitude of x).
  • AcosFunction - Defines characteristics of ACOS Mapper function (arc cosine of x in radians).
  • AsinFunction - Defines characteristics of ASIN Mapper function (arc sine of x in radians).
  • AtanFunction - Defines characteristics of ATAN Mapper function (arc tangent of x in radians).
  • AvgFunction - Defines characteristics of AVG Mapper function (average value of all specified values or expressions, x1 through xN).
  • CbrtFunction - Defines characteristics of CBRT Mapper function (cube root of x).
  • CosFunction - Defines characteristics of COS Mapper function (cosine of x in radians).
  • CtnFunction - Defines characteristics of CTN Mapper function (co-tangent of x in radians).
  • Date0Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)0 Mapper function (YMMDD).
  • Date11Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)11 Mapper function (YYYYMMDD).
  • Date12Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)12 Mapper function (DD MMM YYYY).
  • Date14Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)14 Mapper function (YYYYDDD).
  • Date15Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)15 Mapper function (DDMMYYYY).
  • Date16Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)16 Mapper function (MM/DD/YYYY).
  • Date18Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)18 Mapper function (MMDDYYYY).
  • Date19Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)19 Mapper function (DD/MM/YYYY).
  • Date1Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)1 Mapper function (YYMMDD).
  • Date20Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)20 Mapper function (YYYY-MM-DD).
  • Date2Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)2 Mapper function (DD MMM YY).
  • Date3Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)3 Mapper function (YDDD).
  • Date4Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)4 Mapper function (YYDDD).
  • Date5Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)5 Mapper function (DDMMYY).
  • Date6Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)6 Mapper function (MM/DD/YY).
  • Date7Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)7 Mapper function (MONTH DD, YYYY).
  • Date8Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)8 Mapper function (MMDDYY).
  • Date9Function - Defines characteristics of D(ATE)9 Mapper function (DD/MM/YY).
  • DefFunction - Defines characteristics of DEF Mapper function (determines what kind of data is contained in a field).
  • DefjFunction - Defines characteristics of DEFJ Mapper function (determines what kind of data is contained in a field, including Kanji).
  • DefxFunction - Defines characteristics of DEFX Mapper function (determines what kind of data is contained in a field).
  • DegFunction - Defines characteristics of DEG Mapper function (x radians expressed in degrees).
  • EquationFunctionFactory - Simple factory class for creating Mapper functions (e.g., ABS) used by commands such as ART and CAL.
  • ExpFunction - Defines characteristics of EXP Mapper function (natural number e raised to the power x).
  • FracFunction - Defines characteristics of FRAC Mapper function (fractional portion of x).
  • FunctionDataType - Data types of function arguments and return values.
  • HcosFunction - Defines characteristics of HCOS Mapper function (hyperbolic cosine of x).
  • HsinFunction - Defines characteristics of HSIN Mapper function (hyperbolic sine of x).
  • HtanFunction - Defines characteristics of HTAN Mapper function (hyperbolic tangent of x).
  • IntFunction - Defines characteristics of INT Mapper function (integer portion of x).
  • LineFunction - Defines characteristics of LINE Mapper equation keyword, which is treated as a function.
  • LitFunction - Defines characteristics of LIT Mapper function (literal, or character equivalent, of label x).
  • Log10Function - Defines characteristics of LOG10 Mapper function (logarithm of x in base 10).
  • LogFunction - Defines characteristics of LOG Mapper function (logarithm of x in base e).
  • LtFunction - Defines characteristics of LT Mapper equation keyword, which is treated as a function.
  • MaxFunction - Defines characteristics of MAX Mapper function (maximum; largest value of all specified values or expressions, x1 through xN).
  • MinFunction - Defines characteristics of MIN Mapper function (minimum; smallest value of all specified values or expressions, x1 through xN). ).
  • ModFunction - Defines characteristics of MOD Mapper function (modulus; remainder value of x/y).
  • PiFunction - Defines characteristics of PI Mapper equation constant, represented as a function (value of pi, i.e., 3.14159265358979).
  • RadFunction - Defines characteristics of RAD Mapper function (x degrees in radians).
  • RanFunction - Defines characteristics of RAN Mapper function (random integer value in the range x to y).
  • RlineFunction - Defines characteristics of RLINE Mapper equation keyword, which is treated as a function (report line number currently being processed, counts heading lines and all line types, regardless of the type being processed).
  • SinFunction - Defines characteristics of SIN Mapper function (sine of x radians).
  • SqrtFunction - Defines characteristics of SQRT Mapper function (square root of x).
  • SumFunction - Defines characteristics of SUM Mapper function (total value of all specified values, x1 through xN).
  • TanFunction - Defines characteristics of TAN Mapper function (tangent of x radians).
  • Time1Function - Defines characteristics of T(IME)1 Mapper function (HH:MM).
  • Time2Function - Defines characteristics of T(IME)2 Mapper function (HHMMSS).
  • Time3Function - Defines characteristics of T(IME)3 Mapper function (HHMM).
  • Time4Function - Defines characteristics of T(IME)4 Mapper function (HHHHHHH:MM:SS).
  • Time5Function - Defines characteristics of T(IME)5 Mapper function (HHHHHHH:MM).
  • TimeFunction - Defines characteristics of TIME Mapper equation constant, represented as a function (contains the current time, expressed in the number of hours and fractions of hours relative to midnight).
  • TodayFunction - Defines characteristics of TODAYMapper equation constant, represented as a function (contains the current date, expressed in number of days relative to a fixed date).
  • VavgFunction - Defines characteristics of VAVG Mapper function (vertical average of all specified values or expressions, x1 through xN).
  • VmaxFunction - Defines characteristics of VMAX Mapper function (vertical maximum of all specified values or expressions, x1 through xN).
  • VminFunction - Defines characteristics of MIN Mapper function (vertical minimum of all specified values or expressions, x1 through xN).
  • VsumFunction - Defines characteristics of SUM Mapper function (vertical sum of all specified values or expressions, x1 through xN).
  • IEquationNode - Represents a parse tree node in a parsed equation.
  • AssignmentEqnod - Node that represents an explicit variable assignment (e.g., 'myAsgn,E=ABS(v)+1.0') or implicit variable assignment (e.g., 'ABS(v)+1.0') in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • BinaryOperationEqnod - Node that represents a binary operation in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • ConcatEqnod - Node that represents a concatenation of other equation nodes in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • EquationNodeBase - Base class that provides for common attributes of equation nodes, all concrete content node implementations derive from this class.
  • ExitEqnod - Node that represents an EXIT: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • FirstEqnod - Node that represents an FIRST: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • FunctionEqnod - Node that represents a function (e.g., ABS(x)) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • IfEqnod - Node that represents an IF:-THEN:-ELSE: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • LiteralEqnod - Node that represents a literal (e.g., 123, -0.001, "hello", 5M) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • ReservedWordEqnod - Node that represents a reserved word (e.g., YEAR$) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • SignedEqnod - Node that represents a signed expression (e.g., -100.4, +SQRT(100)) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • SkipEqnod - Node that represents an SKIP: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • SubExpressionEqnod - Node that represents a sub-expression (parenthesized grouping of terms) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • VariableEqnod - Node that represents an internal (e.g., a, myVar%) or external variable (e.g., <extVar>, v55) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
  • IDirectiveEqtok - Marker interface for a directive such as IF, THEN, SKIP, FIRST, etc. encountered when parsing an equation.
  • IEquationToken - Represents a token parsed from a CAL or DC equation, or a CHG calculation expression.
  • ILiteralEqtok - Marker interface for a numeric or string literal encountered while parsing an equation.
  • IOperatorEqtok - Represents a binary or unary operator such as +, * and = encountered while parsing an equation.
  • IVariableEqtok - Represents a variable reference encountered while parsing an equation.
  • BooleanOperatorEqtok - Represents a boolean operator such as AND or OR encountered while parsing an equation.
  • CalendarLiteralEqtok - Represents an "calendar" literal such as 30d or 6M encountered while parsing an equation.
  • ConditionalDirectiveEqtok - Represents a conditional directive such as IF and SKIP.
  • ElseDirectiveEqtok - Represents ELSE directive encountered while parsing an equation.
  • EquationTokenBase - Base class that provides for common attributes of equation tokens, all "true" concrete content token implementations derive from this class.
  • ExecutableDirectiveEqtok - Represents an executable directive such as THEN, ELSE and FIRST.
  • ExitDirectiveEqtok - Represents EXIT directive encountered while parsing an equation.
  • ExternalVariableEqtok - Represents a Mapper named or numbered variable, array or string bounds reference encountered while parsing an equation.
  • FirstDirectiveEqtok - Represents FIRST directive encountered while parsing an equation.
  • FloatLiteralEqtok - Represents an floating point literal (e.g., 1776, +1, -05) encountered while parsing an equation.
  • FunctionEqtok - Represents a function such as ABS or PI encountered while parsing an equation.
  • GroupBeginEqtok - Represents the beginning of a group of terms (i.e., left parenthesis) encountered while parsing an equation.
  • GroupEndEqtok - Represents the end of a group of terms (i.e., right parenthesis) encountered while parsing an equation.
  • IfDirectiveEqtok - Represents IF directive encountered while parsing an equation.
  • IntegerLiteralEqtok - Represents an integer literal (e.g., 1776, +1, -05) encountered while parsing an equation.
  • InternalVariableEqtok - Represents a variable encountered while parsing an equation that is internal to the command and equation, as opposed to an external Mapper variable declared by LDV or LDA.
  • MathOperatorEqtok - Represents a mathematical operator such as addition (+) or multiplication (*) encountered while parsing an equation.
  • OperatorEqtokBase - Simple, abstract, base implementation of precedence for operator tokens.
  • RelationalOperatorEqtok - Represents a relational operator such as equals (=), greater (>) or less-than-or-equal (<=, =<) encountered while parsing an equation.
  • ReservedWordEqtok - Represents a Mapper reserved word (e.g., DRW$) encountered while parsing an equation.
  • SkipDirectiveEqtok - Represents SKIP directive encountered while parsing an equation.
  • StringLiteralEqtok - Represents a string literal (e.g., "hello, world" or 'hello, yourself') encountered while parsing an equation.
  • ThenDirectiveEqtok - Represents THEN directive encountered while parsing an equation.
  • ComputedGotoParseNode - Parse node that represents a IF RUN command with computed-goto syntax (as opposed to IF-THEN-ELSE syntax).
  • IfCommandParser - Parses a IF RUN command.
  • IfParseNode - Base class for parse nodes that represents flavors of IF RUN command.
  • IfThenElseParseNode - Parse node that represents a IF RUN command with the IF-THEN or IF-THEN-ELSE syntax (as opposed to a computed-goto).
  • ILiteralCallback - Defines method to capture and check validity of literal text during command parsing.
  • DrawerLetterCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures a drawer letter.
  • JumpExprCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures literals that may occur in a jump expression, i.e., an expression that may be used as the target of a GTO or computed IF statement.
  • LiteralCallbackBase - Abstract base class for literal call backs that contains common state and behavior.
  • PositiveIntegerCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures a positive decimal integer.
  • ResultNumberCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures a result number such as -0 and -2.
  • ResultOrPositiveCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures a positive integer or result number as -0 and -2.
  • StringCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures a string.
  • YesNoCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures a 'Y'es/'N'o string.
  • YesNoQuickCallback - Literal callback the validates and captures a 'Y'es/'N'o string, and supports 'Q'uick as an alias for 'Y'es (used by the @DSP command).
  • RelCommandParser - Parses a REL RUN command.
  • RelParseNode - Parse node that represents a REL RUN command, which is very simple since this command takes no arguments.
  • ScOption - Enumerated options for SC command, associated with option letter or character.
  • IScDirectiveParser - Parses an SC sub-command, also known as a directive (e.g., DATA, FLD), to create a directive node in the internal parse tree of directives associated with an SC Mapper command.
  • IScParseTreeNode -
  • ScAttributeExpr - Expression that represents an SC attribute expression.
  • ScFieldOrListDerefExpr - Abstract base class of SC expressions that de-reference a field or LIST place holder such as $1 or %#.
  • ScFieldCursorPositionExpr - SC expression that represents a field cursor position, i.e., $#.
  • ScFieldOrdinalExpr - SC expression that represents a field ordinal (number), i.e., $1.
  • ScFieldOrdinalOrCursorExpr - SC expression that represents either a field ordinal or cursor position, which may only be determined by examining the contents of a variable ($).
  • ScListColumnOrdinalExpr - SC expression that represents a LIST column ordinal (number), i.e., %1.
  • ScListLineNumberExpr - SC expression that represents a LIST line number, i.e., %#.
  • ScListLineOrColumnExpr - SC expression that represents either a LIST line number or column ordinal, which may only be determined by examining the contents of a variable (%).
  • ICommandOptionExpr - Defines an expression that represents the various ways a command option may be specified in a Mapper RUN command.
  • IMaprptExpr - Denotes a parsed Mapper expression of some kind.
  • IVariableDerefExplicitExpr - Marker interface that denotes an expression that directly and explicitly dereferences a variable, i.e., provides a direct path to access the value of a specific variable.
  • IVariableDerefExpr - Marker interface that denotes an expression that dereferences a variable, i.e., provides a path to access the value of a variable.
  • IVariableDerefImpliedExpr - Marker interface that denotes an expression that indirectly or implicitly dereferences a variable, i.e., provides a path that ultimately accesses the value of a variable.
  • ArraySubscriptExpr - Array subscript expression that combines an array subscript with a variable that is dereferenced by the subscript.
  • CharCmdOptionConcatExpr - A concatenation expression that wraps the various ways a single-character command option may be specified.
  • ConcatExpr - Expression that is simply the concatenation of other expressions, and is used to print data in Mapper and to initialize variables.
  • DeclaredVariableExpr - Variable declaring expression that combines a variable type and size with a variable reference, e.g., <myVar>s20 or V55f6.2.
  • ReservedWordExpr - Expression that represents a reserved word.
  • ReservedWordRefmtExpr - Formatting expression that combines formatting directive with a reserved word or string bounds that is dereferenced by the directive.
  • ReservedWordStrboundsExpr - Substring expression that combines a string bounds with a variable or array that is dereferenced by the bounds.
  • StrCmdOptionConcatExpr - A concatenation expression that wraps the various ways a string-valued command option may be specified.
  • TextExpr - Expression that represents text.
  • VariableReferenceExpr - Expression that represents a variable.
  • VariableRefmtExpr - Formatting expression that combines formatting directive with a a string bounds, variable or array member that is dereferenced by the directive.
  • VariableStrboundsExpr - Substring expression that combines a string bounds with a variable or array that is dereferenced by the bounds.
  • IReservedWord - Defines a Mapper reserved word encountered during parsing of a Mapper RUN.
  • ACDRW - Represents Mapper reserved word ACDRW$, alphabetic drawer of the run control report issuing the external Run Subroutine (RSR) statement.
  • ACTINP - Represents Mapper reserved word ACTINP$, handle of object last accessed.
  • ACTWIN - Represents Mapper reserved word ACTWIN$, window handle of last window accessed.
  • ADRW - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW$, alphabetic drawer of the current result.
  • ADRW1 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW1$, alphabetic drawer of the -1 result.
  • ADRW10 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW10$, alphabetic drawer of the -10 result.
  • ADRW11 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW11$, alphabetic drawer of the -11 result.
  • ADRW12 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW12$, alphabetic drawer of the -12 result.
  • ADRW13 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW13$, alphabetic drawer of the -13 result.
  • ADRW14 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW14$, alphabetic drawer of the -14 result.
  • ADRW15 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW15$, alphabetic drawer of the -15 result.
  • ADRW16 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW16$, alphabetic drawer of the -16 result.
  • ADRW2 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW2$, alphabetic drawer of the -2 result.
  • ADRW3 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW3$, alphabetic drawer of the -3 result.
  • ADRW4 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW4$, alphabetic drawer of the -4 result.
  • ADRW5 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW5$, alphabetic drawer of the -5 result.
  • ADRW6 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW6$, alphabetic drawer of the -6 result.
  • ADRW7 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW7$, alphabetic drawer of the -7 result.
  • ADRW8 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW8$, alphabetic drawer of the -8 result.
  • ADRW9 - Represents Mapper reserved word ADRW9$, alphabetic drawer of the -9 result.
  • AEDRW - Represents Mapper reserved word AEDRW$, alphabetic drawer of the run control report.
  • AKEY - Represents Mapper reserved word AKEY$, key or key sequence used to perform the Abort command.
  • APILVL - Represents Mapper reserved word APILVL$, functional level of the graphical user interface.
  • AREA - Represents Mapper reserved word AREA$, named area.
  • ASPECT - Represents Mapper reserved word ASPECT$, aspect ratio (used with graphics).
  • AXDRW - Represents Mapper reserved word AXDRW$, alphabetic drawer of the failing script.
  • BPORT - Represents Mapper reserved word BPORT$, script started in the batch port?
  • CAB - Represents Mapper reserved word CAB$, cabinet number of the report or result last processed, or cabinet number of the report or result on display when the script started, or zero if no report or result was processed or on display.
  • CAB1 - Represents Mapper reserved word CAB$, currently active cabinet number.
  • CALL - Represents Mapper reserved word CALL$, number of CALL levels remaining.
  • CDRW - Represents Mapper reserved word CDRW$, drawer number of the run control report issuing the Run Subroutine (RSR) statement to start an external subroutine (If the statement starts an internal subroutine, CDRW$ = zero).
  • CERR - Represents Mapper reserved word CERR$, message number of the error.
  • CHAR - Represents Mapper reserved word CHAR$, number of characters per line in the drawer.
  • CHKPSW - Represents Mapper reserved word CHKPSW$, write passwords must be specified (use the PSW statement) before reports containing write passwords can be updated (if nonzero, yes; if zero, no).
  • CHR - Represents Mapper reserved word CHR$, used to set the value of a variable to a specific ASCII character.
  • COLOR - Represents Mapper reserved word COLOR$, color terminal flag (if nonzero, terminal has color display; always returns nonzero, even if the monitor is monochrome VGA graphics)..
  • CPRIV - Represents Mapper reserved word CPRIV$, user has coordinator privileges (if nonzero, yes; if zero, no).
  • CRPT - Represents Mapper reserved word CRPT$, report number of the run control report issuing the external Run Subroutine (RSR) statement (if the report is from an internal subroutine, CRPT$ = zero).
  • CURH - Represents Mapper reserved word CURH$, horizontal character position of the cursor.
  • CURSEC - Represents Mapper reserved word CURSEC$, current number of seconds since January 1, 1970.
  • CURV - Represents Mapper reserved word CURV$, vertical character position of the cursor.
  • DATE0 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE0$, current date in YMMDD format.
  • DATE1 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE1$, current date in YYMMDD format.
  • DATE11 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE11$, current date in YYYYMMDD format.
  • DATE12 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE12$, current date in DD MMM YYYY format.
  • DATE14 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE14$, current date in YYYYDDD format.
  • DATE15 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE15$, current date in DDMMYYYY format.
  • DATE16 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE14$, current date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • DATE18 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE18$, current date in MMDDYYYY format.
  • DATE19 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE19$, current date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
  • DATE2 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE2$, current date in DD MMM YY format.
  • DATE20 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE20$, current date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • DATE3 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE3$, current date in YDDD format.
  • DATE4 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE4$, current date in YYDDD format.
  • DATE5 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE5$, current date in DDMMYY format.
  • DATE6 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE6$, current date in MM/DD/YY format.
  • DATE7 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE7$, current date in MONTH DD, YYYY format.
  • DATE8 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE8$, current date in MMDDYY format.
  • DATE9 - Represents Mapper reserved word DATE9$, current date in DD/MM/YY format.
  • DAY - Represents Mapper reserved word DAY$, current date of the week in DAY format (MON, TUE, and so on).
  • DBASE - Represents Mapper reserved word DBASE$, the current site database path.
  • DBTHRS - Represents Mapper reserved word DBTHRS$, configured database threshold value.
  • DBUSG - Represents Mapper reserved word DBUSG$, percent of database space currently being used.
  • DEPN - Represents Mapper reserved word DEPN$, user's department sign-on number.
  • DEPT - Represents Mapper reserved word DEPT$, user's department name.
  • DFUMAX - Represents Mapper reserved word DEPN$, the configured maximum number of reports that can be locked by a script for deferred update at a time.
  • DLINE - Represents Mapper reserved word DLINE$, line number of the first non held line on display
    Treat as "thread-safe" since immutable once created.
  • DLP - Represents Mapper reserved word DLINE$, number of data lines processed during the script (includes LLPs and all lines processed; compare to IO$ and LLP$).
  • DRW - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW$, drawer number of the current result (-0).
  • DRW1 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW1$, drawer number of the -1 result.
  • DRW10 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW10$, drawer number of the -10 result.
  • DRW11 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW11$, drawer number of the -11 result.
  • DRW12 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW12$, drawer number of the -12 result.
  • DRW13 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW13$, drawer number of the -13 result.
  • DRW14 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW14$, drawer number of the -14 result.
  • DRW15 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW15$, drawer number of the -15 result.
  • DRW16 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW16$, drawer number of the -16 result.
  • DRW2 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW2$, drawer number of the -2 result.
  • DRW3 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW3$, drawer number of the -3 result.
  • DRW4 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW4$, drawer number of the -4 result.
  • DRW5 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW5$, drawer number of the -5 result.
  • DRW6 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW6$, drawer number of the -6 result.
  • DRW7 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW7$, drawer number of the -7 result.
  • DRW8 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW8$, drawer number of the -8 result.
  • DRW9 - Represents Mapper reserved word DRW9$, drawer number of the -9 result.
  • DTM - Represents Mapper reserved word DTM$, status of Data Transfer Module:
     0 - DTM is not configured.
     1 - DTM is configured, but the Business Information Server system is not attached.
     2 - DTM is configured, and the Business Information Server system is attached.
     3 - Requesting script is processing DTM input.
  • DTNAM - Represents Mapper reserved word DTNAM$, name of this Business Information Server system as known to DTM.
  • DWCAP - Represents Mapper reserved word DWCAP$, Business Information Server application programming interface (API) capabilities are available on both the host system and the API.
  • ECAB - Represents Mapper reserved word ECAB$, cabinet number of the run control report.
  • EDRW - Represents Mapper reserved word EDRW$, drawer number of the run control report.
  • ELINE - Represents Mapper reserved word ELINE$, current execution line in the run control report.
  • ENVSTR - Represents Mapper reserved word ENVSTR$, available environmental variable space in bytes.
  • ERPT - Represents Mapper reserved word ERPT$, report number of the run control report.
  • ESC - Represents Mapper reserved word ESC$, Escape sequence.
  • ETYPE - Represents Mapper reserved word ETYPE$, drawer number of the run control report.
  • F1 - Represents Mapper reserved word F1$, key or key sequence used as the F1 function key.
  • F10 - Represents Mapper reserved word F10$, key or key sequence used as the F10 function key.
  • F2 - Represents Mapper reserved word F2$, key or key sequence used as the F2 function key.
  • F3 - Represents Mapper reserved word F3$, key or key sequence used as the F3 function key.
  • F4 - Represents Mapper reserved word F4$, key or key sequence used as the F4 function key.
  • F5 - Represents Mapper reserved word F5$, key or key sequence used as the F5 function key.
  • F6 - Represents Mapper reserved word F6$, key or key sequence used as the F6 function key.
  • F7 - Represents Mapper reserved word F7$, key or key sequence used as the F7 function key.
  • F8 - Represents Mapper reserved word F8$, key or key sequence used as the F8 function key.
  • F9 - Represents Mapper reserved word F9$, key or key sequence used as the F9 function key.
  • FCAB - Represents Mapper reserved word FCAB$, current form cabinet number.
  • FCC - Represents Mapper reserved word FCC$, UTS 400 station has FCC (hardware protect capability); if nonzero, yes; if zero, no.
  • FDRW - Represents Mapper reserved word FDRW$, drawer number of the Screen Control form on display.
  • FFTYPE - Represents Mapper reserved word FCC$, drawer (form type) number of free form drawer A.
  • FIELD - Represents Mapper reserved word FCC$, relative input field number in which the cursor is located.
  • FKEY - Represents Mapper reserved word FKEY$, number of the function key that the script user pressed.
  • FMT - Represents Mapper reserved word FMT$, format of the report on display (the script must be registered as format sensitive).
  • FPAGE - Represents Mapper reserved word FPAGE$, last explicitly called page of a Screen Control form.
  • FRESTR - Represents Mapper reserved word FRESTR$, remaining available characters in the script string and array variable space.
  • FRPT - Represents Mapper reserved word FRPT$, report number of the Screen Control form on display.
  • GLBSTR - Represents Mapper reserved word GLBSTR$, available global variable space in bytes.
  • GRAPH - Represents Mapper reserved word GRAPH$, graphics terminal flag (if zero, terminal cannot display graphics).
  • HLINES - Represents Mapper reserved word HLINES$, number of held lines.
  • ICVAR - Represents Mapper reserved word ICVAR$, input data entered on the control line (no leading tabs required; strings allowed (see CHD).
  • INMSV - Represents Mapper reserved word INMSV$, input data from the function mask on the screen (see OUM).
  • INPUT - Represents Mapper reserved word INPUT$, input data from the screen or from an external source (OUT, RRN, RUN, BR, SC).
  • INSTR - Represents Mapper reserved word INSTR$, input data from the screen or from an external source (OUT, RRN, RUN, BR, SC).
  • INVAR - Represents Mapper reserved word INVAR$, input from input fields on the screen, delimited by tabs (OUT or SC).
  • INVR1 - Represents Mapper reserved word INVR1$, input from input fields on the screen (OUT or SC).
  • IO - Represents Mapper reserved word IO$, number of storage I/O requests processed during the script.
  • IP - Represents Mapper reserved word IP$, returns the amount of processing time consumed during a script in milliseconds.
  • RPT - Represents Mapper reserved word RPT$, the number of the report or result last processed, or of the report or result on display when the script started (if RPT$ = -zero, current result; if RPT$ = zero, no report).
  • RUN - Represents Mapper reserved word RUN$, name of the script executing.
  • TAB - Represents Mapper reserved word TAB$, the Tab character (ASCII 011).
  • TIC - Represents Mapper reserved word TIC$, the Apostrophe character.
  • TIME - Represents Mapper reserved word TIME$, current time in HH:MM:SS format.
  • USER - Represents Mapper reserved word USER$, user-id of the user who started the script.
  • XLINE - Represents Mapper reserved word XLINE$, line number in the run control report where the run aborted or failed (RAR, RER).
  • YEAR - Represents Mapper reserved word YEAR$, current year in the format YYYY.
  • ArraySubscript - Represents a parsed array subscript (e.g., [5], [v22]).
  • BooleanOperator - Represents a boolean operator such as AND or OR.
  • Cdr - Represents a parsed cabinet-drawer-report (CDR) specification (e.g., 16,B,2) or result number (e.g., -1).
  • FieldSpecification - A field specification that follows a field declaration in LDV,Q.
  • MathOperator - Represents a mathematical operator (e.g., +, **).
  • Reformat - Represents a parsed re-format specification (e.g., (p)).
  • ReformatStringBounds - Represents a parsed, re-formatting string bounds (e.g., (4-7z)).
  • RelationalOperator - Represents a relational operator (e.g., EQ, NOT LT).
  • StringBounds - Represents a parsed string bounds (e.g., (4-7), (v88 - v99[2])).
  • StringBoundsLimit - An integer character position or count that defines a limit of the string bounds, either an integer literal or expression.
  • VariableDecl - A variable declaration, e.g., v1s20='hello, world!'
  • VariableReference - Represents a parsed variable reference (e.g., v100, <myvar>).
  • VariableTypeSize - Represents a parsed variable type and size (e.g., s20, f7.2).
  • ISupportsVariableReference - Defines mechanism for target parse node (or other object) to list variable references, but not variable declarations (see ISupportsScalarDeclaration and ISupportsArrayDeclaration instead).
  • ISymbolTable - Defines a simple mechanism for storing and manipulating symbol table entries.
  • ISymbolTableEntry - Marker interface that denotes the implementing class is a symbol table entry.
  • ISymbolTableVariable - Define symbol table entry for a variable or array.
  • ArrayDeclBase - Abstract base class that represents an array declaration.
  • ArrayDeclPeekSizeAndDim - Array declaration where value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the size (precision and optional scale) and dimension of the declared array.
  • ArrayDeclStaticDimPeekSize - Array declaration where value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the size (precision and optional scale) and dimension of the declared array.
  • ArrayDeclStaticDimPrecisionPeekScale - Array declaration where where dimension and precision are static (known at compile time), but value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the scale of the declared array.
  • ArrayDeclStaticDimScalePeekPrecision - Array declaration where where dimension and scale are static (known at compile time), but value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the precision of the declared array.
  • ArrayDeclStaticPrecisionPeekScaleDim - Array declaration where where precision is static (known at compile time), but value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the scale and dimension of the declared array.
  • ArrayDeclStaticScalePeekPrecisionDim - Array declaration where where scale is static (known at compile time), but value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the precision and dimension of the declared array.
  • ArrayDeclStaticSizeAndDim - Array declaration where size (precision and scale) and dimension are static, i.e., known at compile-time.
  • ArrayDeclStaticSizePeekDim - Array declaration where where size (precision and scale) is static (known at compile time), but value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the dimension of the declared array.
  • RunSymbolTable - Symbol table for Mapper RUN variables, i.e., normal Mapper variables such as <myVar>s20 and V15f9.2.
  • RunSymbolTableArray - Symbol table "array" variable (as opposed to scalar) for Mapper RUN arrays.
  • RunSymbolTableScalar - Symbol table "scalar" variable (as opposed to array) for Mapper RUN variables.
  • RunSymbolTableVariableBase - Abstract base class for symbol table entries for Mapper RUN variables.
  • VarDeclBase - Abstract base class that represents a variable declaration.
  • VarDeclPeekData - Variable declaration where the size of data (e.g., column) from a report or result must be "peeked at" to properly determine the precision (and scale, where applicable) of the target variable .
  • VarDeclPeekPrecision - Variable declaration where value of another variable must be "peeked at" to properly determine the precision of the declared variable; the scale is known at compile time.
  • VarDeclPeekScale - Variable declaration where value of another variable must be "peeked at" to properly determine the scale of the declared variable; the precision is known at compile time.
  • VarDeclPeekSize - Variable declaration where value of other variable(s) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the size (precision and optional scale) of the declared variable.
  • VarDeclStaticSize - Variable declaration where size (precision and scale) is static, i.e., known at compile-time.
  • ISupportsVariableTypeVoting - Defines mechanism for target parse node (or other object) to vote for type of variables based on context known by node (e.g., assignment of a string or numeric literal, usage with DC statement).
  • VarTypeVoteBase - Abstract base class that represents a vote for the type of a variable.
  • VarTypeVotePeekData - Represents a vote for type of a variable where the type or value of data (e.g., column) from a report or result must be "peeked at" to properly determine the type of the target variable.
  • VarTypeVotePeekVariable - Represents a vote for type of a variable where the type or value of another variable (or variables, for example, a binary operation) must be "peeked at" to properly determine the type of the target variable.
  • VarTypeVoteStatic - Represents a vote for type of a variable where all information is available at compile-time, i.e., just from parsing a RUN command.
  • ICommandToken - Defines a token produced by lexical analysis of an at-sign line that represents a lexical unit that makes up a Mapper command such as LDV or SRH.
  • IContentToken - Defines a token produced by lexical analysis of a Mapper report that represents lines of content within the report (e.g., output area); only a marker interface.
  • IMaprptToken - Defines a token produced by lexical analysis of a Mapper report.
  • AlphanumStringToken - Represents a string of alpha numeric characters, including the underscore character.
  • AmpersandToken - Represents & ampersand character used to indicate Mapper AND operation in certain contexts and as literal text in other cases.
  • AsteriskToken - Represents * asterisk character used to indicate Mapper global variables and mathematical operations in certain contexts and as literal text in other cases.
  • BlankToken - Represents blank (i.e., space) character used to separate Mapper arguments and commands, or as literal text.
  • ColonToken - Represents : colon character used to delimit Mapper labels and as literal text in other cases.
  • CommandTokenBase - Base class that provides for common attributes of command tokens, all "true" concrete content token implementations derive from this class.
  • CommaToken - Represents , comma character used to separate Mapper arguments in most lexical contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • DollarToken - Represents $ dollar sign character used to indicate Mapper environment variables and reserved words in certain contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • EqualToken - Represents = equal-sign character used to indicate Mapper variable initialization or comparison.
  • FloatDigitsToken - Represents a set of digits suitable as a floating point literal.
  • GreaterThanToken - Represents > greater-than character used to indicate Mapper named variable or comparison.
  • HyphenToken - Represents - hyphen character used to indicate a negative number or subtraction in certain lexical contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • IntegerDigitsToken - Represents a set of digits suitable as an integer literal.
  • LeftBracketToken - Represents [ left bracket character used to indicate Mapper array elements in certain contexts and as literal text in other cases.
  • LeftParenthesisToken - Represents ( left parenthesis character used to indicate Mapper substring range or operator precedences in certain contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • LessThanToken - Represents < less-than character used to indicate Mapper named variable or comparison.
  • OtherToken - Catch-all command token that represents an "other" character that has no special contextual meaning to the command token lexer (but may have meaning to a parser built on top of the lexer).
  • PeriodToken - Represents the period that terminates all commands in an at-sign line, and includes an optional comment that follows the period (e.g., "@. this is a comment").
  • PlusToken - Represents + plus character used to indicate a positive number or addition in certain lexical contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • QuotedStringToken - Represents a string of characters enclosed in single quotes (or apostrophes to use Mapper terminology).
  • RightBracketToken - Represents ] right bracket character used to indicate Mapper array elements in certain contexts and as literal text in other cases.
  • RightParenthesisToken - Represents ) right parenthesis character used to indicate Mapper substring range or operator precedences in certain contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • ScientificDigitsToken - Represents a set of digits suitable as a scientific notation literal.
  • SemicolonToken - Represents ; semicolon character used to separate Mapper expressions in certain lexical contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • SlashToken - Represents / forward slash character used to separate parameters or division in certain lexical contexts, and as literal text in other cases.
  • ColumnMetadataContent - Special content token for parsing column headings, bundling one or more asterisk lines where a column mask was detected, including column names and sizes that were extracted as column metadata.
  • ContentTokenBase - Base class that provides for common attributes of content tokens, all "true" concrete content token implementations derive from this class.
  • TextContent - A token that represents lines of textual content within the report (e.g., output area).
  • TokenReplacementContent - Special content token for parsing DEFINEd constants from colon lines.
  • TupleContent - Special content token for parsing Mapper lines that are actually data tuples (rows of columnar data preceded by column headings), bundling the lines as tuples whose column values have been parsed.
  • INamedReportLookupFactory - Factory that loads report naming information from the proper Mapper system and name directories.
  • NamedReportLookup - Provides lookup of report names to find cabinet, drawer and report represented by that report name.
  • NamedReportLookupFactoryMapperCImpl - Factory that loads report naming information from the proper Mapper system and name directories for MJ conversions based on Mapper-C.
  • MaprptParser - Parses a Mapper report into lines of various types (e.g., at-sign line, period line, asterisk line).
  • MaprptParseUnit - Stores report lines that are the basic building blocks of Mapper (e.g., at-sign line, period line, asterisk line) that result from parsing a Mapper report.
  • MaprptColumnDef - Captures the definition of a column in a Mapper report that contains columnar data, e.g., asterisk lines with column headers and presumably some tab lines that contain records with columns of data.
  • MaprptColumnMetadata - Stores meta-data about the columns found in a Mapper report, and provides methods for parsing this meta-data from a Mapper report.
  • LineNumberInfo - Stores information about line number(s) of an original line of source code from a Mapper report.
  • LineNumberPushbackReader - A push back reader that keeps track of Mapper line numbers.
  • AsteriskLineParseFactory - Simple factory class for creating AsteriskLines by parsing the lines from an input Mapper report.
  • AtLineParseFactory - Simple factory class for creating AtLines by parsing the lines from an input Mapper report.
  • ColonLineParseFactory - Simple factory class for creating ColonLines by parsing the lines from an input Mapper report.
  • DollarLineParseFactory - Simple factory class for creating DollarLines by parsing the lines from an input Mapper report.
  • MaprptLineParseFactory -
  • OtherLineParseFactory - Simple factory class for creating OtherLines by parsing the lines from an input Mapper report.
  • PeriodLineParseFactory - Simple factory class for creating PeriodLines by parsing the lines from an input Mapper report.
  • TabLineParseFactory - Simple factory class for creating PeriodLines by parsing the lines from an input Mapper report.
  • AsteriskLine - Class that represents an asterisk line in a Mapper report, i.e., column-formatted, non-edited data such as column headers (or metadata such as equations in the Mapper ICAL command) where the character in position 1 is an asterisk.
  • AtLine - Class that represents a special "at" line in a Mapper report, i.e., RUN script statement(s) where the character in position 1 is an "at" sign.
  • ColonLine - Class that represents a special "colon" line in a Mapper report, i.e., RUN constant declarations such as :define and :include, where the character in position 1 is a colon.
  • DollarLine - Class that represents a special dollar-sign line in a Mapper report, i.e., control commands such as $TRAN$, $DATA$, etc. where the character in position 1 is a dollar sign.
  • MaprptLine - Abstract base class that represents a line in a Mapper report.
  • OtherLine - Class that represents a special line in a Mapper report where the character in line 1 is other than an asterisk, at-sign, dollar-sign, colon, period or tab.
  • PeriodLine - Class that represents a period line in a Mapper report, i.e., free-form input such as comments where the character in position 1 is a period.
  • SpecialLine - Base class that represents a special line in a Mapper report, e.g., RUN script statement, RUN constant definition, control command, etc. where the character in position 1 is something other than a tab, period or asterisk.
  • TabLine - Class that represents a tab line in a Mapper report, i.e., column-formatted edited data such as tabular data where the character in position 1 is a tab.
  • CountingLineProcessor - Processes only a certain number of lines.
  • LineProcessorBase - Abstract base class for line processors associated with tuplizer or other class that processes instances of MaprptLine, used mostly to support pragmas.
  • MatchingLineProcessor - Processes lines whose first characters match a prescribed set of characters.
  • Pragma - Abstract base class for all "pragma" directives that may occur in a Mapper report that is to be converted by MJ.
  • PragmaNames - Defines names of all pragmas, and commonly used pragma argument names.
  • AssertDataTuplePragma - Pragma that specifies that lines immediately following the pragma line be recognized as tabular data lines, i.e., processed as tuples of data.
  • DefaultColumnNamesPragma - Pragma that specifies default column names for the column masks in the the asterisk line that immediately follows the pragma line.
  • IgnoreColumnHeadingPragma - Pragma that specifies that column headings in asterisk lines that immediately follow the pragma line are to be ignored, i.e., not processed as column headings.
  • IgnoreDataTuplePragma - Pragma that specifies that tabular data lines (e.g., tab lines) that immediately follow the pragma line are to be ignored, i.e., not processed as tuples of data.
  • IgnoreRunLinePragma - Pragma that specifies that Mapper report lines that immediately follow the pragma line are to be ignored when parsing a Mapper RUN control report.
  • UseInlineDataHandlerPragma - Pragma that indicates which in-line data handler to use, where "in-line data" is free form data (e.g., period or asterisk lines) that occurs in the midst of columnar data (i.e., tab lines) in a Mapper report.
  • IInlineDataHandler - Defines handler for processing in-line data, i.e., trailing lines associated with a data tuple that contain embedded data in a custom format.
  • ClobInlineDataHandler - Default implementation of an in-line data handler that does not define a separate data entity (table) for data in trailing lines.
  • RegexInlineDataHandler - Implementation of an in-line data handler that defines a single data entity and populates the columns of the entity with values extracted from the in-line data using regular expressions, or by default literal values.
  • RegexTextToFieldParser - Parses fields from amorphous text using regular expressions.
The rw package contains constants, and interfaces and factories for run-time contexts, that provide equivalents to MAPPER reserved words in an MJ application.
  • IMJCallerCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining caller context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to originating RUN.
  • IMJCdrCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining CDR context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to related to cabinets, drawers and reports (or results).
  • IMJDisplayCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining display context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to cursor position and special display characters.
  • IMJGraphicsCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining graphics context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to graphics and graphical user interface (GUI).
  • IMJLegacyDBCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining DB context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER) data such as sites and databases.
  • IMJLegacyDTMCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining DTM context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER) Data Transfer Module.
  • IMJLegacyEnvCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining environment context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER) execution environment and resources.
  • IMJLegacyOutputCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining legacy output context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to things like printers.
  • IMJLegacySecurityCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining security context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER OS2200) credentials and security.
  • IMJUserAgentCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining caller context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to client workstation (also known as user agent).
  • IMJUserCtxFactory - Abstract factory for obtaining caller context, which defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to identity of user.
  • MJCallerCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to originating RUN, or, in other words, the caller of the currently executing program.
  • MJCdrCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to cabinets, drawers and reports (or results).
  • MJDisplayCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to cursor position and special display characters.
  • MJGraphicsCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to graphics and graphical user interface (GUI).
  • MJLegacyDBCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER) data such as sites and databases.
  • MJLegacyDTMCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER) Data Transfer Module.
  • MJLegacyEnvCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER) execution environment and resources.
  • MJLegacyOutputCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy output (printers, for example).
  • MJLegacySecurityCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to legacy (i.e., MAPPER OS2200) credentials and security.
  • MJUserAgentCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to client workstation (in other words, the user agent).
  • MJUserCtx - Defines equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to identity of user associated with the currently executing program.
  • MJCurrentDate - Current date as MJDate instances associated with various MAPPER date formats, providing equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to date and time.
  • MJCurrentTime - Current time as MJDate instances associated with various MAPPER time formats, providing equivalent methods for MAPPER reserved words related to time.
  • MJSpecialChars - Defines constants for characters that are special to MAPPER.
The text package contains a number of formatting and parsing utilities used to work with Mapper variables and constructs.
  • ICoercedInteger - Defines a mechanism for reporting coerced integer length.
  • IFormattedDate - Defines Mapper-compatible formatting for dates, including SimpleDateFormat patterns for Mapper date and time formats.
  • IFormattedNumber - Defines Mapper-compatible formatting for numbers.
  • IFormattedString - Defines Mapper-compatible text formatting.
  • IFormattedVariable - Defines Mapper-compatible formatting options common to all data types.
  • CustomDateTimeFormat - Custom date format base class for all single-digit year date formats; needed since FastDateFormat (like JDK7) returns two digits for "Y".
  • FormatOption - Enumeration instances are used to perform custom formatting.
  • FormatOptionType - Defines the classification types of formats supported by MJFormatter.
  • MJFormatter - Performs Mapper-compatible formatting of variables.
The datefmt package contains the formatting implementations related to dates.
  • CustomDateFormatBase - Custom date format base class for all single-digit year date formats; needed since FastDateFormat (like JDK7) returns two digits for "Y".
  • Date0Format - Custom date format class for single-digit year date format DATE0$ (implements the pattern YMMDD, which is also used for the @DAT format A); needed since FastDateFormat (like JDK7) returns two digits for "Y".
  • Date11Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE11$ (implements the pattern YYYYMMDD, which is also used for the @DAT format L) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date12Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE12$ (implements the pattern DD MMM YYYY, which is also used for the @DAT format M) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date14Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE14$ (implements the pattern YYYYDDD, which is also used for the @DAT format O) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date15Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE15$ (implements the pattern DDMMYYYY, which is also used for the @DAT format P) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date16Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE16$ (implements the pattern MM/DD/YYYY, which is also used for the @DAT format Q) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date18Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE18$ (implements the pattern MMDDYYYY, which is also used for the @DAT format S) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date19Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE19$ (implements the pattern DD/MM/YYYY, which is also used for the @DAT format T) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date1Format - Custom date format class for single-digit year date format DATE1$ (implements the pattern YYMMDD, which is also used for the @DAT format B) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date20Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE20$ (implements the pattern YYYY-MM-DD, which is also used for the @DAT format U) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date2Format - Custom date format class for double-digit year date format DATE2$ (implements the pattern DD MMM YY, which is also used for the @DAT format C) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date3Format - Custom date format class for single-digit year date format DATE3$ (implements the pattern YDDD, which is also used for the @DAT format D); needed since FastDateFormat (like JDK7) returns two digits for "Y".
  • Date4Format - Custom date format class for double-digit year date format DATE4$ (implements the pattern YYDDD, which is also used for the @DAT format E) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date5Format - Custom date format class for double-digit year date format DATE5$ (implements the pattern DDMMYY, which is also used for the @DAT format F) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date6Format - Custom date format class for double-digit year date format DATE6$ (implements the pattern MM/DD/YY, which is also used for the @DAT format G) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date7Format - Custom date format class for four-digit year date format DATE7$ (implements the pattern MONTH DD, YYYY, which is also used for the @DAT format H) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date8Format - Custom date format class for double-digit year date format DATE8$ (implements the pattern MMDDYY, which is also used for the @DAT format I) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • Date9Format - Custom date format class for double-digit year date format DATE9$ (implements the pattern DD/MM/YY, which is also used for the @DAT format J) Treat this class as "thread-safe" (actually it relies on the thread safety of FastDateFormat).
  • DateCFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL date format D(C) (implements the pattern MONTH).
  • DateDFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL date format D(D) (implements the pattern D).
  • DateFormatCustomizer - Enumeration instances are used to perform custom processing and validation during date formatting.
  • DateJFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL date format D(J) (implements the pattern DDD).
  • DateMFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL date format D(M) (implements the pattern M).
  • DateNFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL date format D(N) (implements the pattern DAY NUMBER) (numerical day of week, with Sunday being 1).
  • DateWFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL date format D(W) (implements the pattern DAY NAME).
  • DateYFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL double-digit year date format D(Y) (implements the pattern YY).
  • DateZFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL four-digit year date format D(Z) (implements the pattern YYYY).
  • DecimalAcceptingDateFormatBase - Custom date format base class for all date formats that accept values between zero and one exclusive (the values are treated as unformatted literals).
The timefmt package contains the formatting implementations related to times.
  • CustomTimeFormatBase - Custom format base class for all time formats; needed since FastDateFormat does not handle roll-over (hours modulo 24) or numbers of hours greater than 24.
  • ElapsedTimeFormatBase - Custom format base class for all time formats; needed since FastDateFormat does not handle roll-over (hours modulo 24) or numbers of hours greater than 24.
  • Time0Format - Custom date format class for time format TIME0$ (implements the pattern HH:MM:SS).
  • Time1Format - Custom date format class for time format TIME1$ (implements the pattern HH:MM).
  • Time2Format - Custom date format class for time format TIME2$ (implements the pattern HHMMSS).
  • Time3Format - Custom date format class for time format TIME3$ (implements the pattern HHMM).
  • Time4Format - Custom date format class for elapsed time format TIME4$ (implements the pattern HHHHHHH:mm:ss); needed since the formatting logic counts days where hours should be, as related to the low end of the permitted range.
  • Time5Format - Custom date format class for elapsed time format TIME5$ (implements the pattern HHHHHHH:mm); needed since the formatting logic counts days where hours should be, as related to the low end of the permitted range.
  • TimeHFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL time format T(H) (implements the pattern H).
  • TimeMFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL time format T(M) (implements the pattern M).
  • TimeSFormat - Custom date format class for the @CAL time format T(S) (implements the pattern S).
  • TimeTuple - Specialized encapsulation for time data.
The variable package contains the MJ variable classes and interfaces that provide functionality equivalent to MAPPER variables.
  • ICoercedInteger - Defines a mechanism for reporting coerced integer length.
  • IFractionalVariable - Defines a numeric variable that can store fractions of a number, i.e., real numbers.
  • IgnoreCaseComparable - This interface is similar to java.lang.Comparable in that it imposes a total ordering on the objects of each class that implements it, but comparison is done without regard to case of alphabetic characters.
  • IgnoreCaseComparator - This interface is similar to java.util.Comparable as a comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on some collection of objects, but without regard to case of alphabetic characters.
  • IMathFunctions - Defines mathematical functions that can be performed on a variable.
  • IMathOperators - Defines mathematical operations that can be performed on a variable.
  • INumericVariable - Defines a numeric variable that can store at least whole (integer) numbers.
  • IRelationalOperators - Defines equivalents for Mapper relational operators used to compare variables.
  • IVariable - Defines methods and operations common to all variables.
  • IVariableIdentity - Marker interface that denotes a variable class that supports a variable name, number or both.
  • IVariableNameQuery - Defines a helper mechanism for querying a variable name or number obtained from an indirect variable reference.
  • MJSetSubstringException - Exception throw by setSubstring method of numeric variable when SetSubstrOption.PREFER_TYPE_OVER_STRING is specified but resulting value of variable after setting substring is not numeric.
The aliased package contains MJ variable classes and interfaces having a dual identity similar to named and numbered MAPPER variables (via an association created with the @USE command).
  • IAliasedVariable - Defines a variable that is identified by both a number and name (similar to the association created with the MAPPER @USE command).
The named package contains MJ variable classes and interfaces with an identity similar to named MAPPER variables.
The numbered package contains MJ variable classes and interfaces with an identity similar to numbered MAPPER variables.
The remaining chapters of this document describe the contents of each package in detail.