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Package: com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes  previous next contents

Package com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes contains the following classes and interfaces.
Classes and Interfaces
AssignmentEqnod Node that represents an explicit variable assignment (e.g., 'myAsgn,E=ABS(v)+1.0') or implicit variable assignment (e.g., 'ABS(v)+1.0') in a Mapper equation parse tree.
BinaryOperationEqnod Node that represents a binary operation in a Mapper equation parse tree.
ConcatEqnod Node that represents a concatenation of other equation nodes in a Mapper equation parse tree.
EquationNodeBase Base class that provides for common attributes of equation nodes, all concrete content node implementations derive from this class.
ExitEqnod Node that represents an EXIT: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
FirstEqnod Node that represents an FIRST: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
FunctionEqnod Node that represents a function (e.g., ABS(x)) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
IEquationNode Represents a parse tree node in a parsed equation.
IfEqnod Node that represents an IF:-THEN:-ELSE: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
LiteralEqnod Node that represents a literal (e.g., 123, -0.001, "hello", 5M) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
ReservedWordEqnod Node that represents a reserved word (e.g., YEAR$) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
SignedEqnod Node that represents a signed expression (e.g., -100.4, +SQRT(100)) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
SkipEqnod Node that represents an SKIP: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
SubExpressionEqnod Node that represents a sub-expression (parenthesized grouping of terms) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
VariableEqnod Node that represents an internal (e.g., a, myVar%) or external variable (e.g., <extVar>, v55) in a Mapper equation parse tree.

Class: AssignmentEqnod   next package

Node that represents an explicit variable assignment (e.g., 'myAsgn,E=ABS(v)+1.0') or implicit variable assignment (e.g., 'ABS(v)+1.0') in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.AssignmentEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Equation token that identifies variable (and any options) to hold assigned value, will be NULL if this is an implicit assignment (the Mapper command that hosts the equation determines the names of implicit variables).
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.IEquationToken variableOrFunction
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aVariable - equation token that identifies variable (and any options) to hold assigned value.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public AssignmentEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.IEquationToken aVarOrFunc, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public AssignmentEqnod(long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
Get parse tree of equation nodes that, when evaluated, provide a value to variable.
root of parse tree of equation nodes.
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode getValueExpression()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)
Set parse tree of equation nodes that, when evaluated, provide a value to variable.
aValueExpr - root of parse tree of equation nodes.
public void setValueExpression(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aValueExpr)

Class: BinaryOperationEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents a binary operation in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.BinaryOperationEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Equation token that represents a binary operation such as addition, multiplication, relational or boolean test.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.IOperatorEqtok operator
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
anOperator - equation token that represents a binary operation.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public BinaryOperationEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.IOperatorEqtok anOperator, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
Get left-hand operand of binary operation.
left-hand operand.
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode getLeftOperand()
Get right-hand operand of binary operation.
right-hand operand.
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode getRightOperand()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
Set left-hand operand of binary operation.
anEquationNode - left-hand operand.
public void setLeftOperand(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode anEquationNode)
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)
Set right-hand operand of binary operation.
anEquationNode - right-hand operand.
public void setRightOperand(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode anEquationNode)
public java.util.List voteForExternalVariableTypeInOperand(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aVariableEqnod, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode anOtherEqnod)

Class: ConcatEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents a concatenation of other equation nodes in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.ConcatEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aNode - initial equation node to add to list of nodes to concatenate.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public ConcatEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aNode, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
Concatenate equation node to by appending to nodes held by this instance.
aNode - node to concatenate.
public void concatenate(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aNode)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
Get equation nodes to concatenate.
list of nodes to concatenate.
public java.util.List getNodesToConcatenate()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: EquationNodeBase   previous next package

Base class that provides for common attributes of equation nodes, all concrete content node implementations derive from this class.
Treat this class as essentially "thread-safe", since it's state is intended to be immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  extends java.lang.Object
Restricted ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
protected EquationNodeBase(long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.lang.Integer getCodeBlockId()
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine getHostLine()
public long getOrdinal()
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode getParseTreeNode()
public final int getTokenIndex()
protected java.util.List reduceVariableTypeVotes(java.util.List someVotes)
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: ExitEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents an EXIT: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.ExitEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Boolean or relational node that contains condition to evaluate for exit.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode conditionNode
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aConditionNode - boolean or relational node that contains condition to evaluate for exit. If true, remaining equation nodes are ignored and tuple processing loop is terminated.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public ExitEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aConditionNode, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: FirstEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents an FIRST: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.FirstEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Expression node to evaluate once on initial execution of equations.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode exprNode
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
anExprNode - expression node to evaluate once on initial execution of equations.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public FirstEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode anExprNode, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: FunctionEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents a function (e.g., ABS(x)) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.FunctionEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Arguments to function (if any) as equation nodes.
public final java.util.List argumentNodes
Equation token that represents function.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.FunctionEqtok function
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aFunction - equation token that represents function.
someArguments - arguments to function (if any) as equation nodes.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public FunctionEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.FunctionEqtok aFunction, java.util.List someArguments, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Interface: IEquationNode   previous next package

Represents a parse tree node in a parsed equation.
public interface com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Get identifier that organizes code on the same Mapper line into "code blocks" so equation constructs like SKIP: and FIRST: can be handled properly.
identifies the code block this equation node belongs to, if any (can be NULL).
public java.lang.Integer getCodeBlockId()
Enumerate all external (i.e., RUN) variables referenced by equation parse tree node.
list of external variable reference information.
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
Get at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine getHostLine()
Get ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to the sequence in which original equation tokens were parsed.
ordinal that is higher than nodes whose input tokens preceded this node's input tokens, and lower than nodes whose tokens occurred after this node's tokens in the input.
public long getOrdinal()
Get RUN command parse tree node associated with this parsed equation node.
command parse tree node (e.g., instance of ArtParseNode or DcParseNode).
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode getParseTreeNode()
Get index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
public int getTokenIndex()
Get variable-type-vote for result of equation parse tree node.
aVarTypeVoteIdent - identifies variable whose type is being voted upon, or NULL if caller is not examining a parse tree of equations to find the type of a final result variable.
variable-type-vote for result of evaluating equation node, as can best be determined at compile time. Can be empty list if abstained from voting, or can contain more than one vote if multiple results possible (e.g., conditional that returns more than one result).
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
Get variable-type-vote for all external (i.e., RUN) variables referenced by equation parse tree node.
list of external variable type votes.
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
Set RUN command parse tree node associated with this parsed equation node.
aCmdNode - command parse tree node associated with this equation node.
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: IfEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents an IF:-THEN:-ELSE: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IfEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Boolean or relational node that contains condition to evaluate for branching.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode conditionNode
Zero or more assignment or simple expression nodes to apply when condition is false.
public final java.util.List elseNodes
At least one assignment or simple expression node to apply when condition is true.
public final java.util.List thenNodes
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aConditionNode - boolean or relational node that contains condition to evaluate for branching.
someThenNodes - one or more assignment or simple expression nodes to apply when condition is true.
someElseNodes - zero or more assignment or simple expression nodes to apply when condition is false.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public IfEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aConditionNode, java.util.List someThenNodes, java.util.List someElseNodes, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: LiteralEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents a literal (e.g., 123, -0.001, "hello", 5M) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.LiteralEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Equation token that represents integer, float, string or calendar literal.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.ILiteralEqtok literal
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aLiteral - equation token that represents integer, float, string or calendar literal.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public LiteralEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.ILiteralEqtok aLiteral, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()

Class: ReservedWordEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents a reserved word (e.g., YEAR$) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.ReservedWordEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Equation token that represents reserved word.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.ReservedWordEqtok reservedWord
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aReserved - equation token that represents reserved word.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public ReservedWordEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.ReservedWordEqtok aReserved, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()

Class: SignedEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents a signed expression (e.g., -100.4, +SQRT(100)) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.SignedEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Root of parse tree of equation nodes that comprise sub-expression.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode expression
Indicates if this expression is negative.
public final boolean negative
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
anExpr - parse tree of equation nodes that comprise sub-expression.
aNegativeFlag - indicates if the expression is negative (true) or positive (false).
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public SignedEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode anExpr, boolean aNegativeFlag, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: SkipEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents an SKIP: conditional in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.SkipEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Boolean or relational node that contains condition to evaluate for skipping.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode conditionNode
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aConditionNode - boolean or relational node that contains condition to evaluate for skipping. If true, any nodes with the same code block identifier and ordinal higher than this node's ordinal should be skipped.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public SkipEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aConditionNode, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: SubExpressionEqnod   previous next package

Node that represents a sub-expression (parenthesized grouping of terms) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.SubExpressionEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Root of parse tree of equation nodes that comprise sub-expression.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode expression
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aSubExpr - parse tree of equation nodes that comprise sub-expression.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public SubExpressionEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode aSubExpr, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()
public void setParseTreeNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode aCmdNode)

Class: VariableEqnod   previous package

Node that represents an internal (e.g., a, myVar%) or external variable (e.g., <extVar>, v55) in a Mapper equation parse tree.
Treat this class as "thread-safe", since it immutable once created.
public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.VariableEqnod
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.EquationNodeBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.nodes.IEquationNode
Equation token that represents internal or external variable.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.IVariableEqtok variable
Public ctor for initializing an instance of this class.
aVariable - equation token that represents internal or external variable.
anOrdinal - ordinal that allows for relative ordering of nodes according to original token input sequence.
aLine - at-sign line from which equation token was parsed.
aTokenIndex - index of first character of token in at-sign line (not counting first character in at-sign line).
aCodeBlockId - id of code block this node belongs to (may be null to signify code block is not important).
public VariableEqnod(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.equation.tokens.IVariableEqtok aVariable, long anOrdinal, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aLine, int aTokenIndex, java.lang.Integer aCodeBlockId)
public java.util.List getExternalVariableReferences()
public java.util.List getVariableTypeVoteForResult(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.vartype.VarTypeVoteBase.VarTypeVoteIdentity aVarTypeVoteIdent)
public java.util.List getVotesForExternalVariableTypes()