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Package: com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv  previous next contents

Package com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv contains the following classes and interfaces.
Classes and Interfaces
ClvCommandParser Parses a CLV RUN command.
ClvParseNode Parse node that represents a CLV RUN command.

Class: ClvCommandParser   next package

Parses a CLV RUN command.
Treat this class as "thread-hostile"; instances should be created, used and discarded by single thread at a time.

public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvCommandParser
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.RunCommandParserBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.IRunCommandParser
public ClvCommandParser()
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.CommandParseResult parseCommand(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.tokens.IMaprptToken anInitialToken, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.MaprptLexer aLexer, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext anAppCtx)
    throws com.arsi.mj.MJTranslateException

Class: ClvParseNode   previous package

Parse node that represents a CLV RUN command.
Treat this class as "thread-hostile" since it holds substantial state without method synchronization; instances should only be used by single thread at a time.

public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.symtab.ISupportsVariableReference
Inner Class CommandType
Type of CLV command.
public static final class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType
  extends java.lang.Enum
public static final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType CLEAR_ALL
public static final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType CLEAR_VARIABLE_CLASS
public static final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType CLEAR_VARIABLE_RANGE
public static com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
public static com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType values()
Inner Class Option
Enumerated options for CLV command, associated with option letter. This class must implement that static method fromLetter for use with class CmdOptionConcatExpr.
public static final class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.Option
  extends java.lang.Enum
public static final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.Option ENVIRONMENT
public static final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.Option GLOBAL
public static com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.Option fromLetter(char aLetter)
public char getLetter()
public static com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.Option valueOf(java.lang.String name)
public static com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.Option values()
Initializes an instance of this class.
aHostLine - Mapper report line that hosts this command.
aType - a command type, may be NULL.
anOptionExpr - option expression parsed from CLV command, may be NULL if command type is not CLEAR_VARIABLE_CLASS.
aFirstArgExpr - first argument to CLV as expression, if any.
aSecondArgExpr - second argument to CLV as expression (number of variables to clear), if any.
aUserRID - report ID string that is meaningful to user as an error context.
aLineNumber - line number in report where command option occurs.
public ClvParseNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aHostLine, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType aType, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.expr.ICommandOptionExpr anOptionExpr, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.expr.ConcatExpr aFirstArgExpr, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.expr.ConcatExpr aSecondArgExpr, java.lang.String aUserRID, int aLineNumber)
Initializes an instance of this class to CommandType.CLEAR_ALL.
aHostLine - Mapper report line that hosts this command.
aUserRID - report ID string that is meaningful to user as an error context.
aLineNumber - line number in report where command option occurs.
public ClvParseNode(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.parser.line.types.AtLine aHostLine, java.lang.String aUserRID, int aLineNumber)
Get the type of CLV command.
type of command.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.clv.ClvParseNode.CommandType getCommandType()
Get options applicable to command.
options applicable to command (empty set if none).
public final java.util.EnumSet getOptions()
Get concatenation expression that represents the starting variable number.
expression that represents the starting variable number, or NULL if none.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.expr.ConcatExpr getStartingVariableExpr()
Get concatenation expression that represents the number of variables to clear.
expression that represents number of variables, or NULL if none.
public final com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.expr.ConcatExpr getVariableCountExpr()
public java.util.List referencedVariables()