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Package: com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dcu  previous next contents

Package com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dcu contains the following classes and interfaces.
Classes and Interfaces
DcuCommandParser Parses a DCU RUN command.
DcuParseNode Parse node that represents a DCU RUN command, which is very simple since this command takes no arguments.

Class: DcuCommandParser   next package

Parses a DCU RUN command.
Treat this class as "thread-hostile"; instances should be created, used and discarded by single thread at a time.

public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dcu.DcuCommandParser
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.RunCommandParserBase
  implements com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.IRunCommandParser
public DcuCommandParser()
public com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.CommandParseResult parseCommand(com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.tokens.IMaprptToken anInitialToken, com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.MaprptLexer aLexer, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext anAppCtx)
    throws com.arsi.mj.MJTranslateException

Class: DcuParseNode   previous package

Parse node that represents a DCU RUN command, which is very simple since this command takes no arguments.
Treat this class as "thread-hostile" since it holds substantial state without method synchronization; instances should only be used by single thread at a time.

public class com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.cmd.dcu.DcuParseNode
  extends com.arsi.mj.maprpt.lexer.ptree.CommandParseNode